Membership Drive Meeting Oct 22, 2024 6-7:30PM
The Met Social Room, 6588 Nelson Street, Burnaby BC
Come visit and chat!
Everyone's welcome!

Hi everyone, Just a quick reminder The 2024 HOM Silent Auction event is LIVE now! The event will be on till March 9th so do check out the site, there are over 400 items to choose for any special occasions!! So don't missed the great chance of bidding on all these great items! Just simply access to the site through the website info below: |

Last year all over the world Rotary funded more than 1,100 global grants, 470 district grants, and 310 disaster response grants. Rotarians raised more than US$427 million, which will continue to help communities thrive through sustainable, life-changing projects, and help people of all ages cope in the midst of disasters. Let’s make a generous contribution once again this year.
Members can catch up with Rotary friends and network with others at the Continental (Chinese) Seafood Restaurant, 11700 Cambie Rd., Richmond, BC on Saturday, November 18th. Celebrate the tremendous achievements of our Rotary Foundation and to say thank you to the many Rotary members for their generous support. Learn about how Foundation funds have been put to work in numerous service projects that change lives across our District and our world.
The Foundation Dinner will include a live auction for various destinations and experiences.
For just US$500 -- rather than the usual US$1,000 -- any member can receive a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF). Just make the donation on "My Rotary" on the website. District 5040 will match your donation with 500 PHF points. Forms for the matching points will be available at the Foundation Dinner. Every PHF donation brings us that much closer to our Foundation goal.
Find out more, at Stories/celebrate-rotary
Order tickets at
Tickets $100 per person. Table of 10 $1000

The Rotary club of Burnaby held their 25th Pancake Breakfast with Santa at Maywood Community School on Dec 10th. This year we served a record number of students and their families, three sittings of 200 per sitting for a total of 600. Previous years we had served 450 guests.
Rotarian Neil Mackay coordinated the efforts with help from his family, 9 Rotarians, and 5 Interactors from Burnaby South Secondary School. Neil’s friend Brian Daniel brought his electric key board and played seasonal music.
Kathryn Yamamoto (Maywood Community School Principal) and Emma Park (School Community Coordinator) did an amazing job of organizing the school staff, parent help and volunteers from Burnaby Neighbourhood House.
Santa visited at each sitting and gave out candy canes. Everyone had a great time!
Our club celebrated its 75th Anniversary with style! This evening of recognition included a performance by a Ukranian's Children Choir, delicious Italian Cultural Centre Food, and speeches by past and present members on the club's accomplishments woven into Burnaby's history.

More pictures available here:
Our club was happy to be part of the Community Cleanup near Brentwood Station today that is now five pails of garbage cleaner!

We would upload pictures of the garbage but not sure if our viewers would enjoy that...

A message from Teresa, our club's Director of Service:
Our club is celebrating our 75th Anniversary, such an exciting year! The planning committee for this event has planned a wonderful gala dinner with delicious food, performers and live band for this special occasion to celebrate our achievements, contributions to the community and years of fellowships!!
Our club is celebrating our 75th Anniversary, such an exciting year! The planning committee for this event has planned a wonderful gala dinner with delicious food, performers and live band for this special occasion to celebrate our achievements, contributions to the community and years of fellowships!!
75th Anniversary Celebration
Event: Special Gala Dinner with Entertainments!
Date: May 28th/2022
Venue: Italian Cultural Centre, 3075 Slocan St, Van BC
Time: 6:00pm to 11:00pm or Midnight
Time: 6:00pm to 11:00pm or Midnight
Ticket Price: $80 per person
Benefactor from surplus funds raised: Refugees of Ukraine
In order for the event to succeed, the committee needs your assistance for the following items:
-Please connect with any ex-club members to attend the dinner and join in with the celebrations.
-Donation of Door Prizes, suggested item-Bottle of wine or any item with the value of $15 to $30
-Solicitation of sponsorship to cover some cost for the event. Logo of Sponsors will be posted on the Event Program Booklet. Suggested sponsorship program- Bronze $100/ Silver $200/ Gold $500
In order to have successful evening, the committee need your assistance in the following:
-Please contact any ex-club members to attend the event and join us to celebrate this wonderful event
-Donation of door prizes, suggested item - bottle of wine or any items with the value of $15 to $30
-Solicitation of sponsorship to assist in covering some of the cost of the event. The logos of the sponsors will be posted in the event Program booklet.
Thanks and looking forward to a wonderful and enjoyable evening!!
It is a tragic and sad time for the people of Ukraine and the world.
At Rotary, we are deeply concerned by the deteriorating situation in Ukraine and the escalating loss of life and humanitarian hardship there. Continued military action against Ukraine will not only devastate the region, but also risk spreading tragic consequences across Europe and the world.
As one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations, we have made peace the cornerstone of our global mission. We join the international community in calling for an immediate cease fire, withdrawal of Russian forces, and a restoration of diplomatic efforts to resolve this conflict through dialogue.
In the past decade, Rotary clubs in Ukraine, Russia and nearby countries have transcended national differences and have actively engaged in peace-building projects to promote goodwill and to marshal assistance for the victims of war and violence. Today, our thoughts are with our fellow Rotary members and others in Ukraine coping with these tragic events. Rotary International will do everything in its power to bring aid, support and peace to the region.
Rotary International
Link to Original Article
Link to Original Article
A message from our district's interactors below on a initiative for kindness that is all the more valuable in these times. Let's work together to remember Paul Harris and the value of kindness!

District 5040 Interactors invite/challenge you to participate in our Acts of Kindness initiative from April 17th - April 23rd 2022!
Rotary has 1.4 million members & Interact 342,000. Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could achieve 1 million Acts of Kindness worldwide.
For the 2022 year, we have designed a COVID-19 friendly campaign for your clubs and/or individual members to take part in. After all, kindness is free.
Rotary International was founded by Paul Harris, who was born April 19th, 1868. The Chicago attorney formed the Rotary Club of Chicago on February 23, 1905. Professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas, form meaningful, lifelong friendships and give back to their communities.
Rotary Acts Of Kindness 2022 hopes to serve as a unique and fun initiative to better our communities and bring kindness to the world in these times of hardship. In recognition of Rotary’s founder, our Acts Of Kindness week will take place over Paul Harris’ birthday week (April 17th - April 23rd, 2022). We are expanding this project to a global scale and involve as many Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Interactors as possible! - friends also welcome
This year, our Acts of Kindness Committee has designed a Bingo card for clubs, groups, and/or individuals to use throughout the week and complete as many kind acts as they wish. Those who complete 5 in a row, share a picture of their kind acts on Instagram or Facebook, and tag @rotaryactofkindness will be entered in a prize draw. Rotary will donate $100 Canadian funds to a charity of the winner’s choice.
Please see the attached files for the Bingo card and promotional poster. Your club is more than welcome to create their own Bingo card for members to use. For Interact Clubs, the promotional poster can be put up around schools to promote the event and the Bingo cards can be made available to club members to distribute among classes and peers. These can also be posted on your club’s social platforms, websites, and more. Please let us know if you have any questions!
Attached is a poster for you to use - or create your own.
#rotary5040 #rotary #ServeToChangeLives #RotaryBurnaby #actsofkindness #burnaby #britishcolumbia Rotary Act of Kindness
Just a reminder of our Heart of the Matter Auction going on at
And just to highlight some deals:
- Three nights at the Fairmont Whistler valued at $1500 that is currently only at $880:
There are a lot of travel items as well.
- Paintings by Peter Beynon: (note: he is a club member so perhaps we are biased towards his art...).
- A $200 gift basket with no bids starting at $20:
Note the requirement for pick-up in New Westminster for physical goods.
Thanks for all the supporters of the event so far: over $30000 raised for international and local causes! Only about a week and a half to go!
We are proud to announce the launch of our Club's Heart of the Matter Auction in collaboration with Royal City Rotary and Monarch Place:

Enjoy $10000s of products from gift certificates of local Burnaby businesses, to teleconferencing equipment for Zoom Meetings, to vacation packages at the Whistler Fairmont.
Proceeds support local and international projects, from Shelterbox's humanitarian efforts in often forgotten earthquakes and disasters to the Bali Project's dedication to vocational training to marginalized deaf kids!
We are happy to announce our Heart of the Matter 50/50 Raffle with Royal City Rotary and Monarch Place Transition Home - Operated by WINGS. With a ticket, starting at $20 for 1 or 10 tickets for $100, maybe you'll win half of the pot, already at over $1300 after one day!

Supported organizations include Monarch Place's Women Shelter, Burnaby MoreSports, PAC Hot Lunches for New Westminster Schools, and counselling services for vulnerable populations. All proceeds go to local projects in Burnaby and New Westminster.
Also thanks to Mott Electric for sponsoring the raffle! Sponsorship helps cover the fees required for online services such as this and allow our organizations to focus more on promotion.
The Rotary Club of Burnaby was happy to do the Breakfast with Santa in December, our annual event to make pancakes for students at Maywood Community School in Burnaby, an inner-city school near Metrotown mall.

Note that this picture was taken in December before stricter COVID regulation.
After five bags of pancake mix and roughly 800 pancakes, we were exhausted but hearing the yells of "I love pancakes" was worth it, especially for inner-city kids that are often refugees.
It is truly great to serve to change lives... Whether by pancakes or other endeavours!
On the morning of Saturday, October 30, President Ryan McBride led a hybrid session of our 2021 Club Strategic Plan at South Neighbourhood House with 6 people attending in person and another people login on Zoom. The Strategic Planning Session was facilitated by a husband and wife team of Ed Kwan and Diana Theman. They have recently moved to Burnaby Brentwood area. They would be good potential recruits for our club, if not for one of them is serviing as Club President of Vancouver Sunrise Rotary!

President Ryan McBride was performing his regular Yeoman duties of hosting a life meeting and managing a Zoom meeting simultaneously. In addition to Ryan, 3 other club members were in attendend in person: Chu, Sammy and Danison. Others who participate online through Zoom include Vikki, Peter, Doug, Teresa, Gus and Sara. Val joined the meeting online later on in the morning.
Our long-time member Satwant Ginder was honoured at a celebration with 9 other community leaders at BC Cultural Society's 2021 Canada Senior Day at Vancouver's on October 30, 2021. Satwant was among 10 senior honorees being recognized from diverse communities in BC, including a representative fromn Musqueom Nation and Burnaby's Scadanavian Centre.

On the program, there was a brief bio of Satwant listing some of her achievements.
The Walk of Hope Walkathon with the high school interact club at Moscrop Secondary is coming up. See the poster below and send an email if you are interested in supporting youth raise funds for the Vancouver Food Bank and the Binner's Project! Follow the link to

We are happy to announce the Revive & Thrive Shredathon in collaboration with other Burnaby Rotary Clubs!
Where and When: Come to 5821 Marine Way, the Staples Parking Lot on September 11th from 10 AM until 2 PM.

What Do I do?: With an optional donation per box, you can securely dispose of old documents, papers, and other debris while supporting a great cause: installing life-saving defibrillators at high traffic locations in Burnaby. Businesses are welcome to deal with old paper work in the same way, though note that the event is first come, first serve!
For more information, contact president Ryan McBride (go to and click "send email" is the best way to contact me).
This Rotary year's theme is Serve to Change Lives.

Our club thought it would be valuable to highlight how us and our partners worked together to serve our community in different areas in the past Rotary Year:
Education Support: Gave each Burnaby High School a $1000 bursary to support incoming BC university students;
Youth and Wildlife Support: ``Ran'' a Walkathon for youth that raised over $3500 with Low Entropy, Wildlife Rescue Association of BC, and a Simon Fraser University Scholarship for Education (;
Disease Prevention Support: Funded over $6000 for COVID-19 PPE in Bali Indonesia and donated thousands to the Burnaby Hospital Foundation;
Water and Sanitation Support: Collaborated with Royal City Rotary and Monarch Place Transition Home - Operated by WINGS for the Heart of the Matter Online Auction & Raffle that raised over $70000 to Local and International Projects (such as water systems in Laos and funding for the South Burnaby Neighbourhood House BNH South House);
Environment Support: Installed $21000 of Solar Panels in Grenada for the Dorothy Hopkins Home for the Disabled with the Rotary Club of Grenada;
Economic Development Support: Furnished a School for the Deaf in Bali to help provide employment and validation to vulnerable youth that are often overlooked in society.

And not listed is many smaller project whether school lunch programs, donations to Burnaby MoreSports, or support for Covenant House Vancouver. We are grateful to be part of the Burnaby community and hope to serve the vulnerable all the more during the upcoming Rotary year!

To join us, whether for a more casual zoom meeting or for membership, email us at

To join us, whether for a more casual zoom meeting or for membership, email us at
We are happy to announce that the To The Heart of the Matter Online Auction and Raffle is officially launched! Thanks to our partners at
Royal City Rotary
Monarch Place Transition Home for all their love and dedication to this collaboration!
Until March 6th, you can show your

for local and international causes through our raffle and online auction.
Bids from the just released Silent Auction support international Rotary Burnaby projects, such as the Sound of Hope project's School for the Deaf in Bali or critical water filtration system in Laos. Bid on a snazzy signed Quinn Hughes jerseys (note: Calder nomination not included), designer jewelry, handcrafted flower bouquets, and more donations from generous British Columbian businesses and individuals!
The 50/50 raffle at gives you a chance to win 50% of the already over $10,000 pot! Proceeds support community causes, such as
and the South Burnaby Neighbourhood House's dedication to community support that all the more essential during COVID. It is easy to underestimate the effect of COVID on vulnerable populations that are made all the more vulnerable and donations are all the more important now.
Let's show warmth and love for our community without even braving the cold! You can read more on the event sponsors here:
Season greetings from the Catur School of the Deaf in Bali! We are happy to share the video in the following facebook link:

We also received the following message: "For All Friends and Care Takers of Sushrusa Deaf School Denpasar and House of Deaf Training Center Catur Village Bali,
We would like to send you the warmest Merry Christmas and best wishes for the coming year.
God Bless You
Sincerely yours,
Maria - Board of Corti Foundation."
This project, the Sound of Hope, is one spearheaded by our Rotary Club and supported by others in the district. The school has trained deaf students in valuable skills such as farming and sewing when deaf kids too frequently do not receive the support and care they deserve.
Our Rotary club donated over $6000 to the school to support the production of Personal Protective Equipment for vulnerable medical clinics. At Rotary, we support good will whether in the international fight against COVID, supporting organizations such as the
Burnaby Hospital Foundation, or our Step Up Virtual Walkathon raising $3600 to support education, youth, and wildlife for Low Entropy, the Wildlife Rescue Association of BC, and Simon Fraser University.
Happy Holidays from Rotary Burnaby and the lovable children of Bali!
We were happy to have Matthew and Lev present their work at
’s Youth Empowering Youth (YEY) program! This organization is one of the recipients of our Step Up Virtual Walkathon 2020 at where every 40 dollars raised to their organization gives one BC youth an opportunity to learn and grow with peers!

During their presentation, Matthew and Lev discussed their personal story and motivation for Youth Empowering Youth to build accountability, stewardship, and recognize the unique gifts and intrinsic value of every youth through shared experiences. Topics include taking actions with small steps, the importance of attitude, and the value of failure in guiding a person to success.
Burnaby, BC V5B 0A7