Last year all over the world Rotary funded more than 1,100 global grants, 470 district grants, and 310 disaster response grants. Rotarians raised more than US$427 million, which will continue to help communities thrive through sustainable, life-changing projects, and help people of all ages cope in the midst of disasters. Let’s make a generous contribution once again this year.
Members can catch up with Rotary friends and network with others at the Continental (Chinese) Seafood Restaurant, 11700 Cambie Rd., Richmond, BC on Saturday, November 18th. Celebrate the tremendous achievements of our Rotary Foundation and to say thank you to the many Rotary members for their generous support. Learn about how Foundation funds have been put to work in numerous service projects that change lives across our District and our world. 
The Foundation Dinner will include a live auction for various destinations and experiences.
For just US$500 -- rather than the usual US$1,000 -- any member can receive a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF). Just make the donation on "My Rotary" on the website. District 5040 will match your donation with 500 PHF points. Forms for the matching points will be available at the Foundation Dinner. Every PHF donation brings us that much closer to our Foundation goal.
Order tickets at 
Tickets $100 per person. Table of 10 $1000