The Rotary Club of Burnaby and Moscrop Interact Club are proud to announce the Step Up Virtual Walkathon from October 26th to December 6th!
Let's step up together to raise funds to support three important community needs: environment, education, and youth support. Our club will also match 50 cents for every dollar raised!
At Rotary Burnaby, we are aware of the detrimental effect of COVID on our youth, our community, and charities that support the most vulnerable. For this reason, this walkathon supports three causes: the protection of the environment and cute birds via the
Wildlife Rescue Association of BC, a Simon Fraser University Education scholarship to support future teachers that will guide our youth, and
Low Entropy's Youth Empowering Youth program to strengthen and empower students during this chaotic time.
Let's step up together to support our shared future! Share this post, join a team, or pledge!