Vanessa Wideski Executive Director of Low Entropy had a unsettled childhood, poverty, abuse, drugs, homelessness. To find herself she travelled the world, stayed a monestaries, walked pilgramage trails, 40 day fast (water only) in Panama.
Vanessa returned to Vancouver area, met her husband and they started a business, and had 2 children. Five years ago they split and she started group conscious connections where people coould provide help/support/compassion for each other. This has grown into 8 groups and became a registered charity 3 years ago - Low Entropy.There are womens groups, a mens group and relationships group - conscious coupling.
Low Entropy works on the basis that you can not change people, they must want to change themselves. Provides a safe space for personal growth. Sessions are run by volunteers.
Low Entropy has also started corporate training - compassional conversations.
Recently youth groups have been formed YEY, Youth Empowering Youth. The demand for this group is growing rapidly.
Low Entropy is having their second fundraiser May 2nd at 6 PM at the Hard Rock Casino in Coquitlam. There will be a 60 minute Polynesian Lu'au and dinner for $85, ($100 after March 31) visit:http://lowentropy.ca