Save the date– February 7th 2020
To the Heart of the Matter’s 22nd Annual Fund Raiser and Valentines Community Event will be held Friday, February 7th, 2020 at the Inn At the Quay. The event includes a champagne reception, buffet dinner provided by the Boathouse, silent and live auctions, as well as a raffle. Last year the evening netted $45,000, which benefits the Royal City Rotary Club, the Rotary Club of Burnaby and Monarch Place – a safe house in the New Westminster/Burnaby area for women and children fleeing violence. Both Rotary Clubs sponsor local and international projects while the money raised for Monarch Place remains here in our New Westminster/Burnaby communities.
The anticipated revenue from the raffle ticket sales will be shared among the three beneficiaries. The Royal City Rotary Club plans to use their funds to sponsor a hot lunch program for students in need at New Westminster Secondary School. The Rotary Club of Burnaby will use their funds to support the Progressive Housing Society, a non-profit organization in Burnaby who provides support and services to adults living with mental illness and other issues relating to homelessness as well as the Wildlife Rescue Association of BC. Monarch Place receives a portion of their funding from BC Housing, with the balance of their budget to be raised through sponsorship of events such as To the Heart of the Matter.