Progressing Housing BBQ
The Progressive Housing Society held a BBQ at the Southside Community Church on Thursday, August 7. Members of the Rotary Club of Burnaby and the Rotaract Club of Burnaby volunteered at the event.
Progressive Housing Society is a registered non-profit charity in Burnaby which has been delivering support services to adults living with mental illness and with issues relating to homelessness since 1981. We promote wellness and provide direct support to these individuals so that they may live independently in the community.
Progressive Housing Society provides support and housing services to clients with severe and persistent mental illness and individuals who are homeless or face homelessness. All of their programs are designed to support clients according to their individual needs and preferences. Their Homeless Outreach and Mental Health Supported Housing Programs assist clients in developing and maintaining the skills needed to live independently in the community.
For more information on how you can support Progressive Housing click on the following link: Progressive Housing Society